About The Pet Spa
Posh Paw was designed with luxury in mind. Conveniently located in the Southside of Edmonton, we have ample space to make your pet feel as comfortable as possible. Walk in to our fresh, clean space and modern atmosphere and you won’t even realize you are at a pet spa. With a separate kennel room and custom bathing area, including a walk in tub, we can accommodate even the biggest dogs. Stop by and give your pets the luxury they deserve!
Our Team
Our certified groomers are trained in pet first aid and are dedicated to providing your pet excellent care and a relaxing experience. Each one of our staff members has a passion for pets, and love what they do. Continuing education is extremely important to the Posh Paw. It is our goal to provide the highest standards in safety and quality. Customer satisfaction for both owner and pet is our #1 priority!
Jennifer Bilodeau
Professional Pet Stylist / Owner
Jennifer has been in the grooming industry for over 10 years, specializing in hand stripping and scissoring. She recently started competing, taking first place in novice terriers in 2013 and is currently working toward her master certification through the International Professional Groomers association.
Kimiko Sawada, Cfmg
Professional Pet Stylist / Owner
Kimiko has been in the pet industry for over 10 years, beginning her grooming career in 2009. She has a special knack for dealing with difficult dogs due to her education and experience in dog training and behaviour modification. Kimiko also holds certification in cat grooming through the National Cat Groomer’s Institute of America.